Newspapers Mailing Leads

The Newspapers Mailing List contains companies and contacts involved in the production of local and national newspapers on a regular schedule (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly). The file is selectable by newspaper circulation, type of newspaper and by executive title or editorial specialty. Reach weekly and daily newspapers, including names of editors involved in all departments of the newspaper industry. Our Newspapers Email Marketing List includes the publishers, managers and top editors of the daily and weekly newspapers field as well as of book and magazine. They are respected citizens who are community minded and important influencers of public opinion.


The publishing industry executives email addresses includes the name of the publisher, managers and top editors of the book and magazine field as well as of daily and weekly newspapers. We have put together names of contacts who are veteran journalists, think tank writers and so on. They are respected citizens who are community minded and are influencers of public opinion. The Newspaper and Publishing Mailing Database is an all-inclusive file that encompasses a list of companies involved in the publishing industry.


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